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Last longer without sacrificing pleasure

Start enjoying sex again

Effortlessly Last Longer and Feel More Pleasure with This Intenso Method

Matt Cook here, and I've made one small tweak and now it's effortless -- I'm lasting long enough for my wife to cum once, maybe even twice...

And I'm feeling so much more pleasure than I ever did before.

It's made sex fun again!

And I'm not saying this to brag, but to show you how drastically things changed for me...

And to show you how drastically things can change for you -- literally overnight -- just by doing this 1 thing during intercourse.

Here's what some of "Matt's Guinea Pigs" are saying about using this simple tweak...

James and his wife are having the best sex of their lives thanks to this:


Had a fun and wonderful time with my wife 2 nights ago and was some of the most pleasurable experience for both of us.

Relaxed, no hurry, patient and just enjoyed the time with her wherein we each enjoyed wonderful orgasms.

My erection was better but it didn't seem as important with all the pleasure and relaxation of the whole experience.

K.L. is feeling like a giddy teenager, experiencing sex for the first time all over again:

One day of using this... and it was like a giant weight lifted off my shoulders.

Had great sex that night. It was truly awesome!

Felt like kids again. Anxious to keep going.

Nick's newfound stamina has his wife wanting sex a lot more often:

Since I've started this, I've gone from having sex with my wife from Once every 2 to 3 months to 2 to 3 times a week.

My stamina has made our encounters last about 30 minutes.

Jim says his sex life has never been better and that he's now able to last as long as an hour in bed:

First of all I want to thank you so much, I was having sex only once a week.

My erection quality was poor, sensitivity was low and seldom lasted more than 10 minutes.

Now I'm having sex 6 to 8 times a week with much more sensitivity and for as long as she wants-sometimes an hour!

I can honestly say my sex life has never been better.

And one man going by B.L. says he is easily lasting 30 minutes now and making his wife very happy:

I'm 65 and can see that soon I will have no problems with getting erections like an 18 year old again!

I stayed fully erect for 30 minutes! This will make my 44 year old wife very happy!

And if it's working so well for these men, why not you?

The striking reason why this simple tweak works so well...

I've tried nearly everything there is to try when it comes to lasting longer in bed:

  • Creams, gels, and ointments you put on your penis to "numb" the nerves and lessen sensitivity...
  • Different penetration techniques...
  • Pausing intercourse to go down on her...
  • And of course, the common "checking out" technique.

And one thing I quickly realized is that all of these methods require the man sacrificing pleasure in some way.

And who wants to do that?

The beauty of this simple tweak is that you are increasing pleasure while naturally lasting longer.

And sex becomes fun and stress-free again.

You're able to lose yourself in the pleasure and escape into a sexy private world for just the two of you.

And without even realizing it, you're lasting 20, 30, 40 minutes...

And you're feeling incredible pleasure the entire time, topped off with a terrific climax.

And she's feeling incredible pleasure too!

In fact, this simple tweak heightens the pleasure for her as well.

So it's not just you feeling more, it's her too.

And now that sex is lasting so long, you're both getting so much more out of it.

You're connecting on a deeper, more intimate level and it's doubling and even tripling the pleasure you're getting out of sex.

And you're not even trying -- it's effortless now.

It's how sex should be!

And I never would have stumbled onto this life-changing discovery if it weren't for the fascinating and controversial work of Dr. William Masters and Virginia Johnson.

You may have heard of them before -- they were two scientific pioneers studying sexual health in the 1960s...

And Showtime recently made a series about them called Masters and Johnson that you may have caught on TV.

For more than 20 years, I've been studying their amazing and shocking sexual findings...

Specifically what they discovered about sexual pleasure...

And it led me to a technique called sensate focus -- enhancing sexual intimacy, sensuality, and pleasure through touch.

Masters and Johnson first developed this technique to try and shift men away from deeply ingrained, goal oriented sex habits.

Where men are focusing more on what "should" happen during sex than what is actually happening.

And this is where I was going wrong when I was checking out of sex.

You know the old saying: "It's not the destination, it's the journey that matters."

Well it couldn't be more true when it comes to sex.

I was so worried about hitting this magic number of how long I thought I should last that I was forgetting to actually enjoy myself.

I was missing out on the joys of sex stuck up inside my own head!

And sensate focus is designed to help with that, so you can focus on what's important again -- the pleasures of sexual touch.

Without expectations, without judgements.

So I tried sensate focus... in fact, I spent years studying and working with this one technique...

However, sensate focus is tough to do the way Masters and Johnson intended...

It's a long, complicated technical process that they developed decades ago...

...when they were forced to fund their own experiments in secrecy and conduct them at night...

And remember: Masters and Johnson studied sex in a clinical, scientific fashion -- they were doctors after all...

And they faced constant ridicule or outright hostility from their own colleagues trying to get their work to be taken seriously.

So they had to stay professional and keep things as scientific as possible.

And I don't blame them -- in fact, I'm eternally grateful for the work they did.

It's thanks to Masters and Johnson that I'm able to do the work I'm doing now -- they paved the way for health researchers like me.

So I decided to take this sensate focus technique and make it easier...more fun, more instantly gratifying...

I spent years practicing sensate focus by myself and with my wife.

I was conducting my own little experiments and seeing what worked and what didn't work...

And I eventually got my students to join in as well -- Matt's Guinea Pigs, I'm calling them!

And at long last, I've perfected the shortcut to sexual enlightenment...

...a way to get back to enjoying sex again without any expectations or worries...

...where you are only focused on the incredible pleasure you are feeling...

And the result is that you are effortlessly lasting longer... naturally lasting 30 or even 60 minutes without even trying...

And you are getting lost in the magic of sex again, a much needed escape from the real world...

...where the only thing that matters is the connection between you and your partner and the feelings you are giving each other.

I'm calling this method Sensate Sex.

And I feel very strongly that this method, while exciting and fun and pleasurable...

...will also help a man gain confidence in the bedroom and truly enjoy sex again.

All while increasing the connection between you and a woman...making sex fiery hot and passionate again...

...a sexual experience you remember and talk about for weeks, maybe even months...

Until you have an even more intense, even more pleasurable sexual experience that tops the first.

And it just keeps on getting better...

With Sensate Sex, there's no more checking out of sex and trying to hang on a little longer...

Now you're staying fully in the moment and staying connected with your partner.

And instead of sacrificing your own pleasure trying to last longer, you're feeling MORE pleasure while you naturally last longer...

It's just automatic now! You don't even have to think about it.

By making just this one small tweak during intercourse, you are automatically switching your focus from end-goal to pleasure...

And the result is that you are able to completely lose yourself in the pleasures of sex while the experience stretches on longer and longer.

And for single men, you can use Sensate Sex to naturally increase your stamina for when you're with a partner.

Because every time you use this method, you are storing up vast amounts of sexual energy...

The kind of sexual energy that women are irrestibily and biologically attracted to, whether they're conscious of it or not.

And you can unleash this sexual energy and weaponize it whenever you want...

And it will help you attract beautiful young women you want to date, and increase your confidence when you bring one of these lovely ladies home with you.

And most importantly, you'll have incredible natural lasting power -- and what woman doesn't love that?

Even if you're struggling with your erection quality, you can still have Sensate Sex and experience phenomenal pleasure.

In fact, many men who use this method report that their erections are getting stronger and stronger...

As one of my students, Steve, recently said:

"I went for a while where I could not really get a hard on, to where now, I'm hard all night long!

I was having problems keeping it up for more than 20 minutes, but now I keep it up for 30, 40, or 50 minutes at a time!"

And I think the way it works is by allowing men to loosen up, relax, and enjoy sex for what it should be.

And for a lot of men, that's all it takes for erections to come roaring back with strength and lasting power.

Sensate Sex helps men get more confident in bed, so that when they are with a woman, it's an experience to remember...

Now when you have sex, you're both lost in the pleasurable sensations you're feeling...

You're touching each others' bodies and focusing on what feels good...

And there's nothing else that exists in this moment except the two of you and this sexual pleasure.

Sensate Sex pulls you out of your own head, so you're not over-analyzing your performance and second-guessing yourself.

It quiets that little voice in your head that tells you you're not measuring up.

And the result is phenomenal sex that lasts 20, 30, maybe 60 minutes -- and you're not even trying for a new record...

It's just happening automatically now while you're lost in the moment.

You're lasting longer than you ever have before and you're no longer working at it.

And that's the best part.

Remember: the whole point of sex is to feel pleasure and connect with your partner.

It's not meant to be taxing or become a chore.

The goal is to intensify the pleasure you feel from sexual stimulation, and then make those pleasurable sensations last as long as possible...

...longer and longer and longer...

So you can stay in a state of sexual pleasure so strong, it's almost orgasmic...

And you can stay there for hours if you want, effortlessly...

...just enjoying the natural wonders of sex and all the joy it can bring you.

And the good feelings seem to linger long after climax...

When Jodi and I finish one of our marathon sessions where we are lost in pleasure for hours...

...immediately afterwards, we are more connected... closer and more intimate...

We never fight or argue or bicker. It's like we're two love-sick puppies who just can't get enough of each other.

And our friends notice and ask what we're doing differently -- they want to know how our sex life is still so phenomenal after being together for more than 30 years.

And it's all thanks to Sensate Sex.

And even when men aren't actually using this method, they often find themselves lasting longer than they ever have in the past, without even trying to.

I've even had students overcome life-long problems like premature ejaculation and performance anxiety, thanks to this method.

Sensate Sex can literally take a man who comes in 2 minutes, and have him lasting 20 minutes in less than a week...

For example, one of Matt's Guinea Pigs, Eric, says:

I have made so much progress I can't believe it. Before, I was literally a 1-5 min man.

Just the other day, I was able to last 45 min no problem, and I could have kept going but the woman I was with was finished. (That never happened before!)

A lot of men use this and lose themselves in the fun of it...

They lose themselves in waves of orgasmic pleasure that seem to last forever...

And sex stops becoming a performance -- instead it's a pleasurable escape where the only focus is feeling good.

And that allows any man to start lasting longer and longer...

...and longer and longer...

With Sensate Sex, not only will you gain much more control over when you ejaculate -- more importantly, your sex life will be transformed...

...not only in duration but also in sensation...

You will be able to experience pleasure that you probably didn't even know existed and you will begin to look forward to and enjoy sex again...

And your woman will be loving it too!

It will completely transform your relationship with a woman and you will be more in sync and more in lust with each other...

And it just keeps getting better! As one man wrote to me:

I put my focus on her and now we have a great connection.

My confidence in the bedroom is a 10.

This seems to have enlightened her and stimulated her willingness to try more.

And now it's your turn to enjoy Sensate Sex and feel more pleasure while effortlessly lasting longer...

I'm revealing how to have Sensate Sex for free today. And why is it free?

It's free simply because I didn't develop this method to make money or get rich off it.

I perfected this method for myself, so I could get back to enjoying sex with my wife again and last longer without sacrificing pleasure.

And now that I know this method works so well, I think every man should try it!

So I'm giving away a free report showing you how to have Sensate Sex as soon as tonight and experience all these incredible benefits...

  • Experience intense feelings of sexual pleasure...
    • Sensate Sex is designed to bring you more pleasure than you've ever felt before -- and then to grow that pleasure, so you start feeling more and more...and more and more and more...until it's the most intensely pleasurable feelings you've ever experienced...and not just in your penis, but throughout your entire body...
    • It works by harnessing a specific technique developed by Masters and Johnson in the 1960s called Sensate Focus...I've studied this technique and made it better...easier to use and lots more fun...So you're practically humming with pleasure...vibrating with sensations that seem to take over your entire feel it in your hands and your toes, your legs and your arms...all over your body...
    • This is pleasure you didn't even know existed, it blows your other sexual experiences out of the water...And the best part is, the more you use this method, the more pleasure you feel...and it just keeps getting better!

  • Enjoy longer-lasting sexual experiences...
    • The point of Sensate Sex is to feel intense sexual pleasure for as long as possible -- so naturally, you're going to be enjoying longer sexual experiences that last anywhere from 30 Minutes to 3 Hours, depending on your mood! And this is continuous pleasure, not just one quick 30-second spurt of pleasure you get at the end...
    • Each time you use this, you will find the session lasting longer and longer...and that is because you are getting better at it and feeling more, and you will not want it to stop! You will want to keep going for as long as possible because you are constantly feeling incredible pleasure the entire time...
  • Naturally strengthen your erections...
    • One of the best unexpected benefits of Sensate Sex is how great it is for your erection quality. You'll be using this, lost in the pleasurable sensations you're feeling -- and automatically, your erection will be growing stronger and harder, and you won't be having to work at it. In fact, you probably won't be thinking about your erection at all because you'll be too wrapped up in the full-body sensations you're experiencing...
    • And for many men who may not be happy with the quality or Hammer Strength Hardness of their erections, they find things only get better the more they use this method. And there's nothing special they have to do! Some guys try everything from drugs to pumps to surgeries to get harder erections -- and this may do it for free!

  • Effortlessly extend your lasting power...
    • Another huge intended benefit of Sensate Sex is how it helps you build stamina in the bedroom. The whole idea behind this method is lasting inevitably, you're going to start lasting longer and longer, either by yourself or with a woman. That's just the way the method works. And it's awesome!
    • And for men suffering from Premature Ejaculation or coming too soon, this can really help when other options may not. Sometimes all men with PE need is a change in focus, and suddenly they are lasting as long as 20 or 30 minutes without even trying to! Sensate Sex makes it easy to last as long as an hour if you do it enough times.
  • Super sexually stimulating for men AND women...
    • This is designed to bring you intense sexual pleasure, so it's going to be super stimulating and exciting, and probably Up Your Drive in a big way. And since women can use this method with you, get ready for your sexual chemistry to increase the more you do will have a connection no other couple has and it will show...
    • Sensate Sex makes things more exciting and really spices things up, which may really benefit long-term couples who find themselves in a rut sexually. This can Revive a Dead Bedroom faster than anything else I know -- just try it once and you'll see exactly what I mean!
  • May make a woman more interested in sex...
    • There's something about Sensate Sex that women just LOVE...I've heard from so many women who report being extremely turned on by this, who start feeling more attractive and desired by their partners, even women who haven't been interested in sex in ages suddenly start begging their husbands or boyfriends to take them to the bedroom...
    • You will be floored by how powerful this method can gets a woman calling you, texting you, begging you to come over and play...she starts going out of her way to wear sexier outfits and sending you sexy photos...and it's all thanks to Sensate Sex which has helped you Unlock Something Deep Inside Her...

  • Can be used solo...
    • Sensate Sex is perfect for you when you're Home Alone after a long day of work, or when you wake up late on the weekend, or when you're in the shower getting ready...It's the easiest way for you to start feeling extreme sexual pleasure, with or without a partner, and all the while you will be getting so many other benefits out of it...
    • You will be naturally Enhancing your Sexual Prowess and increasing your lasting power for when you are with a woman. And it will just be automatic. You won't even have to think about it or work at it. This method does it all for you.
  • Can be used with a partner...
    • Sensate Sex is also designed to work with a partner, so you can use it with your wife or girlfriend and Double the Fun. And you will both be getting a ton of pleasure out of it. A lot of men tell me this brings them closer together as a couple, and increases the intimacy in their relationship...
    • For many long-term couples, sex can fall to the wayside...But as soon as you introduce this method, Sexy Sparks Fly Again and you are feeling like you did when you first met and couldn't get enough of each other. This is a really fun way to play with power dynamics too, and it can spice things up when they get boring...

  • Feels really good and super fun to use...
    • At the end of the day, Sensate Sex is just pure, adulterated fun! It's an R-rated Good Time for a man who loves sex and wants to enjoy intense sexual pleasure for as long as possible, either when he's alone or with a woman. And I believe it is a much needed escape for us in this crazy, chaotic world. Just what the doctor ordered!

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